Friday, December 8, 2017


Being angry is ultimately accompanied with the act of  blaming, needing to control,  and rejecting the way life really is.

Although ANGER has many faces, the emotion is the same with the same companions:  blame, control and rejection.

I admire those who take full responsibility for their own response to encounters which evoke anger.

I admire those who let go of all responsibility for others' actions which evoke anger.

I admire those who affirm the way life really is without judgment.

Yet the behavior of so many in today's world gives cause for the most intense expressions of anger.

A process for being the responsible one in these situations calls for new ways to understand and be compassionate.

I am working on this with due diligence. I have failed miserably and slowly am growing patience and understanding. The whole thing is a life lesson most of us are learning, day by day.