Saturday, February 4, 2017


This blooming camelia reminds me of my Junior prom.
My gown was just such a pink.
I felt  I was a beautiful girl.

An unusual self perception of my presence in the world.
I was shedding childhood in lieu of becoming a woman.

This camelia was an ealy bloomer in January or was it December?
Which ever month it was,  it was earlier than expected. 

Now,  February,  many camelias are blooming, as are azaleas, prickly pear, and citrus buds, to name a few.
Signs of Spring, these days, may be frozen out, and have to start over again in another month or two.

If that is the case, nevertheless, signs of Spring will return.
A village in full bloom is as beautiful as a Junior prom filled with young women in their ball gowns.

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