Sunday, January 6, 2013


I have a tendency to measure time's passing with each daily visit to the pill box.

I count out the pills out every two weeks.

Lately, it feels like time is going by very quickly, as judged by seeing that a week has passed "already"
This time passing quickly can be a blessing if there is to be longevity -plenty of time for milliartins of experiences ahead.

This time passing quickly can create a sense of urgency if the last day appears to be coming sooner-than-later. Bucket lists of fun times fall by the wayside, unfinished business is tended to in a timely fashion.

None of us really knows where we fall on the spectrum of longevity  and sooner-than-later, whether at the pill counting out stage or any age. Ain't it the truth!!

A stairway in Assissi - one up, one down?

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