Bo Cefus is at least 17 years old. He was born in the woodlands of Florida's panhandle and will complete is 9th life soon here in Crescent City. He is unable to care for his hygiene very well now.
Sometimes I see him just standing where he his for long periods of time.
He has also taken to sitting on fence posts these days, and sleeping along the top of the trellis.
Never a lap cat, preferring hunting in the high grass and along the creek bed, these days he nestles on any lap open to receiving him and settles in comfortably.
He is sitting on my lap now, as I write this blog. Every once in a while he looks up at me, as if to ask, "Are you done yet? I could use a serious massage!"
I wonder if he knows his time is near.
I wonder what he needs - what he really needs
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